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How much can I get from my settlement

Apr 9

What can I expect from an Illinois Car Settlement for an Accident?

Are there any events that can turn a good day into a bad one faster than a car crash? Even the smallest of accidents could cause hours of work disruptions, disrupted routines, as well as a decrease in ability to manage daily responsibilities. There is also the added burden of trying to put things back on track. When you are confronted with the aftermath of a collision in Illinois that wasn't your fault, you may be wondering what payment you could get from your car accident settlement. Let's look at it in depth.

What is the method of determining fault in car accidents?

Insurance companies typically determine who is accountable in a car accident. They will use details of the incident to decide. In order to aid them in making an assessment, the insurance firm will use information from the police report as well as witness statements. They'll likely use physical evidence from the accident and send an assessor out to examine the damages to the vehicle and then take pictures to prepare a detailed report.

Most of the time, determining fault in a car accident is a complex process and many times the fault cannot be attributed exclusively to one person. In many cases, fault will be given in proportions. For instance, one person could be found to be 30 percent responsible while the other is deemed 70 percent accountable.

In states that have modified comparative negligence -- that includes Illinois the state of Illinois not entitled to damages if it is determined that you to be 51% or more in the cause of the accident.

What is an agreement?

It is important to understand the basics of what "settlement" is and what it means as an legal term. When you have suffered the consequences of another's inattention or error and you are facing the possibility of being liable for damages. In many cases, these damages become the main focus of the court case, which aims to recover the amount lost from the responsible party for the damage.  You can learn more about all of the different types of settlements on our website:

When an agreement is made about the amount that the responsible party will pay, that amount is known as the settlement.

This is typically decided by negotiations between the plaintiffs and the defendant. This is the primary function of a lawyer in a car accident case. If you're the victim of an auto crash An attorney will make use of his expertise and experience in order to get the most favorable settlement for you.

What kinds of damages are being considered?

There are numerous kinds of damages that could be incurred in a car accident.

Damages to the vehicle

The only direct cost that the injured party has to pay for the most obvious damage during a car accident is the ones that result from the accident. They are the vehicle damage that need to be repaired. In the event of a vehicle that is damaged beyond repair, damages could include the cost of a replacement vehicle.

Medical costs

The cost of medical treatment is often included in a settlement. Settlements may include the costs of the plaintiff's ambulance ride, hospitalization, ongoing care, subsequent visits, as well as any prescriptions for medication due to injuries sustained during the accident.

Lost Wages

Plaintiffs could be able to seek compensation for the loss of wages. If you needed to take off work for a period of time to get medical attention or make repairs, you could be entitled to compensation for wages lost. Additionally, if you are injured in the accident and have missed work as recovering, the earnings lost could also be taken into consideration.

Both pain and suffering

The more difficult part, however, is the process of determining the value of pain and suffering. If the victim has the right to compensation for the physical and emotional trauma of being a victim of a car crash however, it is much more difficult to get a fair amount of compensation for these elements. This is why the assistance of an experienced and skilled attorney is crucial.

What is the amount you can expect in an agreement?

The value of an Illinois car accident settlement will vary based on the circumstances of each particular case. The most common rule is to anticipate approximately three times the amount of medical expenses arising from the incident. This isn't an exact estimation of the amount that a case might settle for less or more.

The particular and individual details of the accident as well as the severity of damages will have a significant impact on the eventual settlement.

A seasoned attorney can assist victims of car accidents reach a settlement. This will ensure that the person who was injured can return to their lives as easy and quickly as they can.

Law Office of Jason B. Going

Address:  1803 N Belt W, Belleville, IL 62226

Phone:  (618) 408-1290