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Essential Oils For Cold Sores: How To Get Rid Of Them Fast

Apr 6

If you're one of the many people who suffer from cold sores, you know how frustrating and embarrassing they can be. These little blisters can show up at the worst times and can take weeks to go away. 

Fortunately, there are some essential oils for cold sores that can help speed up the healing process and get rid of cold sores fast! In this article, we will discuss the best essential oils for cold sores and how to use them.

What Are Clod Sores?

Cold sores are a common infection that is caused by the herpes simplex virus. This virus can be passed from one person to another through contact with saliva or other body fluids. It can also be spread through skin-to-skin contact. 

The herpes simplex virus causes cold sores by infecting the cells in the lining of the mouth. These cells then produce blisters that contain the virus. The blisters usually break open and release the virus, which can then be spread to other parts of the body or other people. 

The good news is that cold sores are not always contagious. You are most likely to spread the virus when you have active blisters, but you may also be able to spread it when you have no symptoms.

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Treating Cold Sores

There is no cure for cold sores, but there are treatments that can help shorten the length of time they last and make them less painful. Some people also find that using essential oils for cold sores can help speed up the healing process.

If you are looking for a natural way to treat your cold sores, here are a few essential oils that may help: 

Lavender oil – This oil has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a good choice for treating cold sores. You can apply it directly to the sore or use it in a diffuser. 

Peppermint oil – Peppermint oil is another oil with antiviral properties. It also has a cooling effect, which can help relieve the pain and inflammation associated with cold sores. You can apply it directly to the sore or use it in a diffuser. 

Tea tree oil – Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and has been shown to be effective against the herpes virus. It can be applied directly to the sore or added to a carrier oil such as coconut oil for topical application. 

Eucalyptus oil – Eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, making it a good choice for treating cold sores. It can be applied directly to the sore or used in a diffuser.

How Essential Work:

Each of these essential oils has been shown to be effective in treating cold sores. You can use them individually or mix them together for a more potent treatment. Apply the oils directly to the sore, or add them to a carrier oil such as coconut oil for topical application. You can also diffuse the oils to inhale their healing vapors. Use whichever method you find most convenient and effective for you.

How To Use Essential Oils for Cold Sores:

  • Apply the oils directly to the sore.
  • Add them to a carrier oil such as coconut oil for topical application.
  • Diffuse the oils to inhale their healing vapors

You can also use essential oils to prevent cold sores from forming in the first place. Add a few drops of lavender, lemon, or tea tree oil to your favorite lip balm or moisturizer and apply it regularly. These oils have antiseptic and antiviral properties that can help keep your lips healthy and free from infection.


We would like to conclude by saying that using essential oils is a great way to get rid of cold sores quickly and conveniently. The healing properties of these oils can help speed up the healing process and reduce the overall severity of the outbreak. We highly recommend giving them a try!